Free return policy

Our policy is 30 days. If more than 30 days have passed since purchase, unfortunately we cannot offer refunds or exchanges.

In order to be returned, the item must be unused and in the same condition in which it was received. It must also be in its original packaging.

Some types of items cannot be returned. For example, perishable items such as food, flowers, newspapers or magazines. We also do not accept intimate or sanitary products, hazardous materials or substances, flammable liquids or gases.

Other items that cannot be returned

* Gift cards

* Downloadable software

Some health and personal care products * Some health and personal care products A

receipt or proof of purchase is required to complete your return.

Do not return purchases to the manufacturer.

In some cases, only partial refunds will be given: (if applicable)

* Books with obvious signs of use

* CDs, DVDs, VHS cassettes, software, video games, audio cassettes or vinyl records that have been opened.

*Any item that is not in original condition, is damaged, or is missing parts for any reason other than our error.

*Any item returned more than 30 days after delivery.

Refund (if applicable)

Once we have received and inspected your return, we will send you an email to let you know that we have received the returned item. We will also let you know if your refund has been approved or denied.

If approved, your refund will be automatically processed and credited to your credit card or original payment method within a few days.

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